Black Crow Art

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.
вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.
Today is the last day of Anette Olsson's pregnancy! I kept my eyes on her blog all this months and now I really hope that tomorrow all will be OK! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, dear Anette!

Photos taken from Anette's official blog
The Olympiad
Have a good evening!
пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.
Hypocrisy's new album
Wish me good luck!
In fact, it's the second time I participate on the Olympiad, but anyway- it's exiting.
But there also is a bad thing- I feel very sick. The weather is awful, so I cough a cold! Hate it!
Music for today was: Apocalyptica ft Cristina Scabbia- SOS
Goodnight to all of you, dear friends! See you soon! ;)
четверг, 21 марта 2013 г.
Last Saturday
This week was really busy, so I didn't visit my blog. But I'm back now.Now I want to tell you what I did last Saturday.
I went to the hospital to check my blood, because I feel a bad pain in the kidneys. After it I had shopping and I bought some new cosmetics for me. So, here we go!

The new mascara from Golden Rose (black)
And the blue one

The result. (my nails are short and I have to put on a nail polish)
New lipstick, the same color as the nail polish, also from GR
Here you can see the color.
New accessory for my phone.
See you soon!
No new arts, I'm sorry.
суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.
Peter made my day today!
HYPOCRISY_About new album
This is what I can say about this interview! Peter's "WHAT?!" just made me press pause button and laugh!
This is what I can say about this interview! Peter's "WHAT?!" just made me press pause button and laugh!
четверг, 14 марта 2013 г.
Very busy and tired
How are you? I'm sorry for my absence, but this week was really busy and I'm tired... Sometimes I didn't have time to visit my blog. I have no new arts..
The holiday ended, so I'll be here rarely.
I didn't tell it before, but I started training my vocal chords, I have an easy vibrato, so I like to sing Nightwish's songs. Today evening I was singing Tarja Turunen's song called "Enough" and I think I did it well. But I got some pain in throat, because I was singing more than an hour, so I think it's enough for today! ;D
суббота, 9 марта 2013 г.
How I spent these days
Hi to all,
I'm sorry for my absence. I was too lazy to visit my blog all these days. :D
But here I came back with some photos!
Some old photos from my walks.

My nephew. This belt is good to control child's speed! :D
I'm sorry for my absence. I was too lazy to visit my blog all these days. :D
But here I came back with some photos!
Some old photos from my walks.

My nephew. This belt is good to control child's speed! :D
Found this nice accessories for my phone. This one is quite old, I got it 4 years ago, but it's still nice. I love it, because this flower reminds me about spring, which is my favorite season! :)
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!
четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.
Back to you with one new art
Hi all,
I'm sorry for my absence. I was too lazy to visit this blog :D But I wasn't too lazy to do a new art!
Few days ago I tried an art where I changed faces. I think I did it. I know, it's not the better one, but I'll try to do something more good later.

Anette Olsson (ex- Nightwish)I'm sorry for my absence. I was too lazy to visit this blog :D But I wasn't too lazy to do a new art!
Few days ago I tried an art where I changed faces. I think I did it. I know, it's not the better one, but I'll try to do something more good later.

Have a good day!
воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.
Circus Black
A nice walk
Hi all,
Today the weather is good again, so my sisters, son of the older one and I went out for a walk. It was really nice, but the wind was really cold, so we went to the car.
Here you are some photos:

Nice shining sun ;)Today the weather is good again, so my sisters, son of the older one and I went out for a walk. It was really nice, but the wind was really cold, so we went to the car.
Here you are some photos:

On the sky is no clouds! So blue! Love it. :D
Little fast boy running around me!
As I already said, the wind was cold, so we went to the car. I took sister's son in my arms and sit down in front of the wheel. He was so happy :D
Hope you spent your day nice too! Wish you all the bests and see you soon.
суббота, 2 марта 2013 г.
Unstoppable (2010)
Few minutes ago has ended the film Unstoppable, during watching it, I thought that my heart will stop! I can't find any words to describe what I felt! I was near to cry! It's an epic movie and I recommend it to everyone! Watch it! Show it to your children! You MUST see it! read about it in Wikipedia and watch the trailer! read about it in Wikipedia and watch the trailer!
Cold Saturday
So, as I said yesterday, today the weather is much colder....It's sad. Also in the morning here was some snow, but it already melt. Today I stay at home and do nothing. The pain in throat is really awful and it's bigger today. I take some medications and I hope it'll help me.
My play list for today is really various. I played in my headphones PAIN, Xandria, Nightwish, Hypocrisy, Rammstein, Der Bote, The Birthday Massacre and so on.
пятница, 1 марта 2013 г.
Sleep well
I wish you all sweet dreams, my dear friends! See you tomorrow!
Goodnight and sleep well!
First day of spring
Today, as you know, is the first day of spring! A spring that is really wanted by all of us after this cold winter.
I want to tell you how I spent this day!
The weather was so good, that I really wanted to go to a walk, so I did it together with my sisters and son of the older one. He is 2,4 old and very active little boy, so he was running around me so fast, that I always was saying "Oh! Don't run so fast! You might fall down!". :D
I had to put on not so many cloths to keep warm and it's good, but tomorrow the weather will be colder...argh!
The sky was so blue, that I immediately took my camera to do some photos!
I hope you spent your day really well ;)
Have a nice evening! Bye!
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