Black Crow Art

Black Crow Art

пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Crazy night

Hello dear followers, i hope you all are OK.
Unfortunately i can't say the same about me. My health is too weak and bad! Few days ago i got a cough, i tried different medications, but it didn't help me. This night i had an attack. I started to gasp as soon as i went to bed. It was so terrible. Medications didn't help. I got up and went to my table. There i found a book, it was "Dracula" by Bram Stocker. I wanted to read it last summer, but soon i forgot about it. I opened the book and fell into the fantasy world of vampires. There was more and more attacks, so i couldn't sleep.
I fell asleep at 06:15 a.m.
That is the story about the "Crazy night" that i had.
Enjoy your evening with Sabaton and song "Twilight Of The Thunder God" ft Peter Tagtgren.

среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Eternal Tears Of Sorrow

Hello dears,
I'm still sick, but all is going better now. Today my voice is OK.
I want to share with you my opinion about Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. I found out this band today and i immediately liked it! Especially the song called "The River Flows Frozen" in acustic version (original is good too), but Altti's scream isn't so powerful like Tagtgren's, i think he should use more his clear voice.
But anyway, i liked it.
Enjoy your evening! Bye ;)

вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

Life's go on and on

Hello dear friends,
I'm sorry for my absence, how are you?
Now i wanna talk about all changes that happened.
There so many had happened.......i don't know what to start with.
The first thing was that in our class came two new classmates. They are very friendly, and the better thing is that one of them is rock, and a little bit metal fan.
The second thing, and of course it's good- i finally found a shop where i can buy different merchandise of metal bands, and gothic accesories like rings, earrings, crosses and bags. I bought a ring and a wristband with Dimmu Borgir's logo. Also i've got two buttons in August 2011. One with Iron Maiden's album cover "Dance Of Death" and second one with Grateful Dead's cover for "Space Your Face".
And the third thing (the worst one) is that i'm sick. Yes, i get sick every fall, but this one i'll remember for long time! At Friday, in evening i felt that something isn't ok. I measured the temperature of my body. Thermometer showed 37,5. I took medication and hoped that soon i'll be ok. But on Saturday's afternoon the temperature rose to 39,3. Now things are going better, but not at all. I've got spotted sore throat. I hate it. Today i've lost my voice and had to keep silent and i couldn't eat because of the terrible pain in my throat.
That's all. See you soon, have a good evening. Goodbye!
Music for today: Nightwish- The Poet And The Pendulum.